Road Repair

Our goal is to provide you the best roadway system possible within the confines of our budget allocation. Repairs are usually accomplished during the months of April to November. However, pothole patrols continue throughout the year.

If you spot a problem, please let us know:

Submit Pothole Report to the Highway Department

The Town Board adopted Road Program provides management as well as residents with a list of roads to be paved during the annual road paving program. A key element of this program is flexibility. Roads scheduled could lose their priority to a road whose condition has worsened and become priority. The superintendent makes every effort to keep to the schedule, but asks residents to understand should their road become a lesser priority.

Pictured are Highway Department employees patching a section of South Old Post Road with hot-mix asphalt.

For Road Work Permit Requirements, contact the Town Clerk at the Town Hall or call: (518) 477-7590.