Zoning Codes

Details of Schodack's laws can be found at E-Code.  Details of Schodack's Zoning are available from Chapter 219 - ZONING.

The following are a selection of guides on the various zoning districts within Chapter 219:
  1. RA-Residential/Agricultural & R40-Residential
  2. R20-Residential, RMF-Multifamily Residential, PW-Planned Waterfront & LB-Local Business2
  3. HC - Highway Commercial, HC2, MC
  4. M - Manufacturing
  5. PD1 & PD3 - Planned Development
  6. PD-4 Planned Development

Schedules of Area and Bulk (requirements):
  1. 219g Sched. of Area and Bulk Part 1
  2. 219h Sched. of Area and Bulk Part 2
  3. 219i Sched. of Area and Bulk Part 3
  4. 219j Sched. of Area and Bulk Part 4
  5. 219k Sched. of Area and Bulk Part 5

Agriculture and Livestock - Keeping Fowl:
  • Many residents have asked about the Rules on Keeping Fowl. The link will take you to the relevant section of the Town Code.